Monday, January 17, 2011

First week traveling...sorry I am a bad blogger!

Well after a week of traveling I have realized that this is gonig to be a very interesting year!!!! Let me sum up the last week.

Day 2: started my new job officially. That went well, this team is gonig to be easy to get along with. Although there is always one person on the team that I think to myself "REALLY?" otherwise these couple of weeks will be easy. That night went into the lobby to chat about the horrible smell in my room and met an interesting group. After defusing a situation with another upset smelly room haver I agreed to take a business man to the local BJs pizza, after telling him that I was with the Department of Defence and I carried a handgun! He bought me a drink and my dinner, he never knew my name or where I was staying in the hotel. I know "BE CAREFUL"!!!

Day 3: Went shopping on the p-card. This wonderful thing...I get $45/day to get meals. I deceided to go grocery shopping and then spend less during the week. I found out that my company is really stoked on me considering I probably will only spend $150 total for the whole week.

Day 4: Marlas in town. She came in and we deceided to go see a movie. We saw that country one with Gwenith Paltrow. It was good!

Day 5: Time to go out!!! After work Marla and I met her boyfriend Bills friends for dinner. We ate that is great place called Kingfish. It was really good and then we went to a fun bar in downtown San Mateo. See photos

Ok so there was more photos but I am not sure why they dont download and I want to go take a bath so I will blog more about Marla and my weekend in San fran later...see you all soon!

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